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Job openings from 500+ companies in Singapore

Helius Technologies Pte. Ltd.

4.5 on Glassdoor


3.9 on Glassdoor

DHL Singapore

4 on Glassdoor

Cognizant Technology Solutions Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

3.8 on Glassdoor


3.9 on Glassdoor


3.7 on Glassdoor

Crédit Agricole

3.7 on Glassdoor


4.1 on Glassdoor

Avensys Consulting Pte Ltd.

3.3 on Glassdoor


4.1 on Glassdoor

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JobWiz was first built to navigate the cumbersome and frustrating process of job search.

Now, JobWiz enables job seekers to pursue their dream job, be it if it’s salary that aligns with expectations, perks that fit their lifestyles, or environments they thrive in.

We value transparency and fairness, providing job seekers with the right expectations for job application and compensation negotiation.

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JobWiz currently supports 14+ job functions in tech across industries in Singapore, including Software Engineers, Data Scientists, Program Managers, Database Administrators and UI/UX Designers.

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What job seekers are saying

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Cursus dictum sit adipiscing egestas. Viverra id amet ac dictumst. Tempor pellentesque.

Ikhwata Andy - UI/UX Designer at Google

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Sit egestas id turpis turpis interdum gravida. Vestibulum nulla nec neque enim platea quam facilisis risus. Lobortis vulputate suscipit fames amet consequat pharetra.

Ikhwata Andy - UI/UX Designer at Google

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Cursus dictum sit adipiscing egestas. Viverra id amet ac dictumst. Tempor pellentesque.

Ikhwata Andy - UI/UX Designer at Google

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Cursus dictum sit adipiscing egestas. Viverra id amet ac dictumst. Tempor pellentesque.

Ikhwata Andy - UI/UX Designer at Google

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Sit egestas id turpis turpis interdum gravida. Vestibulum nulla nec neque enim platea quam facilisis risus. Lobortis vulputate suscipit fames amet consequat pharetra.

Ikhwata Andy - UI/UX Designer at Google

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Cursus dictum sit adipiscing egestas. Viverra id amet ac dictumst. Tempor pellentesque.

Ikhwata Andy - UI/UX Designer at Google

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